by Paris Tosen

In the extremely controversial True.jesus, Paris Tosen investigates the mystical Jesus Christ and details the technological kingdom in our hearts. Combining his multidimensional insight with the scriptures from the Nag Hammadi library, along with his modern android theories, Tosen unveils a holy spiritual internet. Only by understanding the true nature of a technological messiah can we discover the matrix of reality, the very network of light within which all synthetic life is sustained, and where death is overcome. Soon to be a classic, True.jesus is a provocative reboot of central biblical beliefs.

Written for alternative historians and borderline atheists, True.jesus changes the entire Jesus myth and explains the technological salvation the Savior promised. (This book is not a traditional biblical discussion.)






5.2 x 8, 276 pp
ISBN 9781469924588
paperback, NONFICTION

published on January 17, 2012

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* These books may use Gnosticism and Buddhism to explain concepts in molecular biology and holographic technology. The author is neither a Gnostic, Buddhist nor is he a conventional scientist.

* Experts in Gnosticism, Biblical Scholars, and Coptologists have not sanctioned this book in any way.